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Commit 6476b8ad439207477deb1256e480aaa70c9f6631

Remove absent css link
193193 source -- path of source file
194194 destination -- path of destination file
195195 """
196 compressor = Popen([java, '-jar', os.path.join(script_dir, '..', 'lib', 'yuicompressor', 'build', 'yuicompressor.jar'),
197 '--type', type, source], stdout=PIPE)
196 compressor = Popen(['yui-compressor', '--type', type, source], stdout=PIPE)
198197 destFile = open(destination, 'w')
199198 # Fix media queries to look like "(..) and (..)", NOT "(..) and(..)".
200199 out = re.sub('and\(', 'and (', compressor.stdout.read())
9393 <?php else: ?>
9494 <?= $html->css('amo2009/main', 'stylesheet', array('media'=>'screen,projection,tv')) ?>
9595 <?= $html->css('amo2009/slimbox2', 'stylesheet', array('media'=>'screen,projection,tv')) ?>
96 <?= $html->css('sugar', 'stylesheet', array('media'=>'screen,projection')) ?>
9796 <?php endif ?>
9998 <!--[if IE]>